New Build Apartment Block, London
We were recently ask to create and install a security door in a new development of apartments in London. The design had to match existing doors exactly.

We are sorry we must report that *Shield 100 Ltd* has now ceased trading and is being placed in to liquidation.
As a result of Covid, we have now been left with significant debt. Though we have tried, we have been unable to absorb this loss to us and as such we are no longer able to continue trading.
Thank you for being valued customers of Shield 100 Ltd.
We sincerely regret no longer being able to help you.
We were recently ask to create and install a security door in a new development of apartments in London. The design had to match existing doors exactly.
Contact Shield Security Doors today to arrange a free consultation.
Let us advise you of your security requirements.
Based in Bedford, Shield Security Doors covers London, Herts, Beds, Essex, Cambs and Bucks,
including Milton Keynes, with national coverage available if required.