Security Windows
As well as our range of security doors, Shield designs and manufactures other security home furnishings including security windows. Your home is only as secure as all its most vulnerable points after all, so we have expanded our remit to ensure that every point of entry and exit is as safe and reliable as a Shield security door. Our security windows are fixed into your home with the same heavy duty framing technology we use on our doors, and may be ordered as bulletproof.

Our bulletproof windows are tested to withstand the impact of 9mm handgun shells fired from close range. We fit our Premium Security Door with this bulletproof glass too. The bulletproof window may be specified for individual areas of your home or we can come up with a total external and internal security solution featuring our security windows and doors at key pints throughout the house.
The internal parts of our bulletproof windows and security windows are manufactured from the highest quality steel and other metals. The window frame is fixed into the window frame hole using steel bolts protected in sheaths to prevent easy cutting. The window lock works by activating heavy duty steel rods that slide up into steel encased ports in the frame. The glass is unbreakable unless it is hit by heavy fire from artillery greater than its security rating guarantees it for.
Our security windows are thoroughly tested for their ability to withstand gunshots, extreme force and extremes of temperature. The bulletproof windows fitted to our Premium security doors are able to withstand as much as 1,000 Degrees Celsius and will rebuff fire as part of a fire rated door for as long as 45 minutes.
Shield Security is committed to the total security of your home, from the elements and noise as well as from potential intruders. As such the security windows provided by Shield Security offer outstanding heat transfer coefficient figures as well as excellent insulation from the noise of the world outside! Shield bulletproof windows will improve the heatperformance and energy conservation efficiency of your home noticeably and can keep intrusive noise at bay to a much greater degree than a non security rated window.
For a total Shield security solution including security doors, security windows and panic room design, you can contact our friendly and helpful customer services department on 020 8795 3178, or email us using the contact form provided. If you email us and would like to provide a phone number and convenient time at which to call, we will call you back.
All Shield security windows and bulletproof windows are fitted by Shield-approved technicians who have been extensively trained in the high tech nature of our equipment. We fit security windows and bulletproof windows all over the world.
Shield will be delighted to provide you with a free estimate for the cost of designing and installing a bespoke security windows solution for all or part of your property.
For more information and our latest prices please call: 020 8795 3178
Ballistic glazing

Every shooter must see the target to be effective. But what if your windows could conceal you from a threat, in an instant?
Our versatile ballistic glazing solutions offers tough, capable protection against the threat of firearms. Using Smart Switchable Glass, our ballistic glazing removes potential targets from the shooter’s field of vision, turning from clear to opaque instantly so the shooter is unable to see through the window.
Suitable for use in security applications in both public and private locations, our ballistic glazing can be fitted in any building or complex. We can use bullet proof or standard glass, depending on your requirements. For the majority of security projects, bullet proof glazing is recommended.
Our ballistic glazing is truly clear, not green-tinted like most bullet proof glass. We use a proprietary technology that removes the green shade to ensure a discreet solution indistinguishable from standard glazing. It is also rated for no spall. Spall are the tiny shards of glass that fly off the secure side of a ballistic pane after shooting, sometimes with lethal effect. Other bullet proof windows may not be free from spall: it’s important to check before you buy.
So, how does our smart ballistic glazing work?
An ECU module is paired with electrically reactive glass, which becomes frosted when an impulse is sent to it. A simple touch of a button can turn a clear pane into an opaque one in seconds. Or the smart glass can be activated automatically, when signals from specially calibrated shot detectors inform the ECU that a projectile has hit the glass.
The reactive ballistic glass system controls all the windows in your installation, and is programmed to react instantaneously should a bullet strike. High-speed CPUs in the ECU module immediately determine the nature of the impact. The programmed windows becomes opaque, removing the target from the shooter’s sights and giving the occupants of the building valuable time in which to put escape plans into practice.
Our ballistic glazing is suitable for high- and ultra-high-value net worth protection, high-risk buildings such as airports and military bases, and high-vulnerability community locations for example schools and places of worship. Whatever the target, it becomes much harder to hit when hidden behind frosted glass: however much money an assailant has spent on target tracking and acquisition, their investment will prove worthless if they can’t see where they are shooting.
This unique technology is the smart way to save lives. Whether you’re protecting assets known to be at risk of assassination, or children in a school, the outcome is the same. No target. No shot. No fatality.
We supply bullet proof smart glass in several different ballistic ratings. Our lowest rating is sufficient to stop 9x19mm Parabellum (9mm Luger) rounds. Our highest standard rating can withstand direct hits from 7.62x51mm NATO and 7.62x54mmR rounds. Armour-piercing-round-resistant bullet proof glass can be supplied on request.
With bullet proof glazing installed, the first bullet impact (which triggers the opacity effect) will not pierce the glass. And as your smart glass reacts quicker than trained humans can, it gives bodyguards or responsible persons extra seconds to get the targets into a safe location.
Choose your ballistic glazing package according to the anticipated threat level. Bullet proof glass ratings are determined through exhaustive tests, which involve firing rounds from the relevant weapons at a variety of distances and angles. Only glass that successfully prevents the round from passing through to the ‘secure’ side (the interior of the protected building) will be rated.
Bullet proof glass is generally constructed from thick layers of glass, interleaved with layers of polyvinyl butyral (PVB), an extremely tough material that also has sound-dampening and anti-fading properties. Higher levels of bullet proof glass rating tend to refer to thicker panes, so the thickness of walls, frames, and sills will be a factor.
Remember to check spall ratings too. Standard ratings are ‘Spall Allowed’, ‘Some Spall’, and ‘No Spall’. Our ballistic glazing is No Spall rated, which offers the highest level of protection.
We can help you to choose the right ballistic glazing for your needs and budget.
For more information and our latest prices please call: 020 8795 3178
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Our professional staff will gladly provide you with an estimate on any of our products; they’ll help you choose the perfect security door to match your particular needs.
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